Old School Current Events!

As we enter the second half of this month, let’s see what’s happening around us. 2021 is still new and we should remain having a positive attitude while taking care of our loved ones, especially our pet friends. Whether we like it or not, change is happening. How are you maintaining your daily schedule? Is your pet OK? How can you add more love to your pet’s life? We conducted a list of helpful tips during this unprecedented time. This is also for newly pet adoptee parents! COVID influenced many individuals to adopt a pet, 80% to be exact. Point is, we are all adjusting to a new everything.


  • Before traveling with your pet, find out the details about bringing your pet with you. Each state has different rules and protocols. Also, make sure you aretaking the necessary precautions, before, during and after traveling. Perhaps, create a TO-DO list or NEEDED ITEMS to pack prior to your trip.
  • Fresh air is best for our bodies, get outside and take a walk. Bring your pet, since it’s just as good for them too! They L-O-V-E to be outside. Have you discovered any new parks or hiking trails near you that are pet friendly? This would be great for both you and your pet!
  • Daily schedules are best for consistency. You may be working from home permanently which can be challenging for some. Before diving into your work load, leave time for your furry friend. Even if its 20 minutes in the AM, some time is better than no time spent giving your furry friend attention. This can happen during your lunch break or muted Zoom call (if you don’t have to participate).
  • Most importantly, make sure your pet is O.K. Has he shown signs of change in his daily routine? Have his eating habits changed? Does he not want to play with his favorite toy? Is he more affectionate and attaching himself even more on you? Our advice: look for any signs of your dogs (or cat) behavior that is new. If you see your pet may need some support, consult your local Veterinarian.
  • Since this is a new year, create a list of activities you want to do with your pet (food truck gatherings, farmer’s markets, pet friendly State parks or beaches. Most activities are outside now, a perfect time to meet other friendly dogs AND get your daily dose of Vitamin D. Have you checked our DeVora stand at our local Farmer’s Market? You can ways look at our events to see where we will be next!
  • New Adoptee families, it may be overwhelming at first but you have your friends and family for support. You most certainly have support from us! You are not in this alone, there are plenty of resources, one-on-one support (dog trainers, walkers, nutritionist) and groups to turn to. And always know, there is no such thing as a stupid question—we’ve all been there before!

The biggest part of this time in our lives is not knowing what to expect. Will COVID create another lockdown? Will this all be over soon? Should I get a vaccine? How much are dogs and cats truly effected by this new change in the world we are ALL living in? A million and one questions, right? Have no fear, we are here! Our products have been a hit and will sure make your furry friend forget about the new world they are living in. Stay safe and healthy from us at DeVora.

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