Too Hot to Trot

We wait all winter for summer and now that it’s here some days are just too hot. Walking your pet can become draining in the heat. Try to walk your pet earlier in the morning when the heat isn’t so strong. Then, when the sun starts to go down is another good time to avoid the midday heat. 

I promise, your walks will be way more enjoyable if you're mindful of the summer heat. 

In addition to being cautious about the heat, it’s also just as important to be careful of your pets paws when walking on hot concrete or any hot surfaces. It is always wise to check the concrete/ black top or pavement before heading out. 

Simply, place your hand on the ground and hold it there for 10  seconds. If it is too hot for you, It's too hot for your pet. You can do this on all surfaces your pet will walk on like grass or beach sand! 

Paw balm is a great product you might want to check out to protect their precious paws. It’s also a good idea to have a portable bowl and some water on hand if you expect to take a day at the park or any outing with your pet. They need to stay hydrated just like us! Just a few things to consider during the summer months to ensure your pets health and safety as well as your own. 

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