The DogFather!

Dog Dad

“A dog dad is the proud owner of a dog and loves his dog like he would love his own kids—if he had any. Dog dads will eagerly tell anyone who will listen about the random mundanities of his dog's life, even if no one asked. Dog dads get minted at any age, whether it's adopting a new puppy, or rescuing a senior dog to live a good life in comfort.”


June means Father’s Day! Whether you’re a father of a human, fur baby, or both – Let us be the first to wish you a wonderful Father’s Day.  Being a dog dad is no easy job… you must protect your “protector”, take them with you most places, and clean up after them in your backyard.  Your dog wants to mow the lawn with you, go for rides with you, chases your truck down the driveway… your dog looks at you like you are their world.  If you know what I’m talking about, you are a Dog Dad!      

            First sign you are a Dog Dad – Considering them before making a purchase

If you are going back and forth between two different trucks, but one has a larger back seat for your dogs…. You are a dog dad! Go for the bigger one, Ringo will love the leg room!

            Another sign you’re a Dog Dad is breaking your own rules. If you were reluctant to get the dog in the first place, made a long, long, long list of rules, and threw them out the window the first night your dog snuggled up next to you on the couch… you, my friend, and a Dog Dad! 

Dogs are truly a man’s best friend and I’m not sure I want it any other way! It’s a great feeling to see your pup waiting for you after a long day of work, running beside you during a workout, or hogging the bed at night (love/hate relationship).  We hope each and every dad out there has a fantastic day!

 Written by: Anna Waters

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