Juneteenth; How will you show your support?

The national Holiday of Juneteenth is on June 19, 2021.  Juneteenth (short for “June Nineteenth”) marks the day when federal troops arrived in GalvestonTexas in 1865 to take control of the state and ensure that all enslaved people be freed. The troops’ arrival came a full two and a half years after the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation. Juneteenth honors the end to slavery in the United States and is considered the longest-running African American holiday.  An exciting development is that West Virginia is marking Juneteenth as a State Holiday!

         Sometimes there are parades, barbeques, or festivals to honor the Holiday.  If you’re looking for a way to celebrate you could find a local event, host a party, prepare traditional foods, support Black-owned businesses, or visit a museum or exhibit dedicated to Black culture.    

"Hold those things that tell your history and protect them. During slavery, who was able to read or write or keep anything? The ability to have somebody to tell your story to is so important. It says: 'I was here. I may be sold tomorrow. But you know I was here.'"- Maya Angelou

De' Vora is passionate about its community as a whole. We do not want to be a passive community developer. Instead, we prioritize the interest of the community by realizing and fulfilling our social responsibilities. That's why we strive to support a wide variety of programs.

We are part of the movement for a better society, together, we can achieve it! 

Written by: Anna Waters

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