Halloween Custom Ideas!

Happy Halloween everyone! And a very Happy Halloween to all the pets out there. Can you guess what this blog is going to be about? YUP! Costumes, treats and tips. Feeling creative? Let’s talk about ways on how you can make your pet their very homemade costume. It can be as simple as a Halloween themed banana or a handmade lavish queen’s dress. And what better way to celebrate this specific holiday with homemade treats for your dog.

Costume Ideas:

Super hero—Select any type of a sheet, cut 2 triangles (one for the cape and one for the “collar”. Tie around shoulders and neck— and you have a super hero pet ready to save the day!

Martini Dog—is your dog in the middle of rehabilitating themselves by wearing a cone around his neck?! No need to be down about it, make it fun! Gather some green and orange felt and a sewing kit with cotton balls. Cut circles in the felt, sew half, add cotton, sew the “olive” shut, add mini orange circles by sewing on the top. Add a pet friendly item to group the olives together and there you have it, A MARTINI!


Black Bat

For either your cat or dog, gather black felt. Cut out shape of bat wings. Attach it to a pet friendly collar. I mean how ironic is a black cat dressed as a black bat?!


Lego Dog

Particularly for small dogs, gather a shoe box and flexible card board. The shoe box can be painted which will be used at the base of the Lego (put on main body of your dog) then create 2 circler shapes to glue to the middle of the top of the “base”. 



Halloween Pumpkin Dog Treats: ¾ cup of brown rice flour and pumpkin baby jar food (option frozen peas). Mix flour and jar food until dough like consistency. Roll out and use pumpkin shaped cookie cutter. Bake for 10-15 minutes. Take out and let cool.

Ghost Treats: 2 cups of 100% whole wheat flour and 1 cup of carrot puree. Mix both ingredients until dough like consistency. Roll out and use ghost shaped cookie cutter. Bake for 20-25 minutes. Take out and let cool.

Tips for Halloween:

#1: Avoid chocolate and grapes

#2: Make sure you know if your pet likes costumes (on themselves or seeing them on us)

#3 Try our favorite Halloween dog treats: Blue Buffalo Boo Bars Pumpkin & Cinnamon Natural Crunchy Mini Dog Biscuits  

#4 Sensitive to sound? Put note on front door “please do not ring bell”

We hope we gave you inspiration for this fun holiday to DIY your pets costume or trick-or-“treats”! Tag us with your creation, we’d love to see it! Happy Halloween and stay safe.



Written by Jackie Goldoff

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